Playphysio is a member of the ‘Serious Impact’ incubator run by Allia in Cambridge. Allia invited me to take part in VentureFest East 2017 at Newmarket Racecourse Cambridgeshire, in the ‘Meet the Future’ session. Representing Playphysio I pitched to VentureFest East attendees for the award ‘Impact Entrepreneur 2017’.
The pitching session was opened and introduced by renown angel investor Peter Cowley. The brightest impact entrepreneurs from a variety of different sectors took part such as med-tech, bionics, agri-tech, engineering and even smart cities. After each pitch, the session was open for dynamic Q&A from the VentureFest East audience.
The culmination of the event was the final vote – the audience were asked to move next to their selected winner. (If you remember the 1980’s childrens’ tv show ‘Runaround’ you have the right idea!) I’m delighted to report that the Playphysio podium was promptly surrounded by most of the audience!

I was very pleased to receive the prestigious 3d printed Allia ”Impact Entrepreneur 2017″ award from Peter Cowley.
For more information:
Allia and Serious Impact program
VentureFest East
Peter Cowley